This is a short documentary series created and directed by Eva Hart, about inspiring people that are making Miami a better place. Art, Social, Wellness and Culture are the aspects in which Miami has changed positively in the last decade. The main characters that are responsible for what Miami is today, talk about WHO they are, WHAT they do, their PURPOSE and explain how they find balance between DOING and BEING in their daily life.
doBEdo Ep. 4: Patty Suau
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Emanuele is a second generation baker. He grew up and learned along his father in their family bakery. His family has lived for generations in Mirano, a town in Northeast Italy, where craftmanship and commitment are an integral part of any pursuit. Emanuele’s baking is no exception.
Now he has brought his discipline and passion for baking to Rosetta Bakery in Miami Beach. This new city and way of...
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doBEdo Ep. 2: Gaby Guzmán
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doBEdo Ep. 1: Emilia Arenas
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